Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Forex Strategy

I got this off Peter Bains site. It's more geared towards the beginner,
so enjoy and maybe you might learn a thing or two!

Please pour over the 80 currency trading strategy items on the
checklist below that the big dogs use. You'll be glad you did. Please
pick up on the fact that you only need four tools to trade the forex
with, using my approach – "reading bars," MACD divergence, pivot
points, and trendline analysis. That's it. Nothing more! Plain and
simple. Don't let the naysayers have you believe otherwise. The
world is full of "Doubting Thomases" who are everybody's armchair
quarterback, but have never made a dime in this business. They "sell
shovels." They don't use them.
Currency Trading Strategy Number One:
When you are just starting out, strive to carve out 20 pips per

session, and that’s it. Then, turn it off, and study some more. When
you get really good at it, you can then “graduate” to higher returns.
So, set your goal at 20 pips and stick to it, until you are a grand
master at this wonderful “business” called forex trading. I stress the
word business. This is not a game, especially where your “hardearned
money” is involved.
Currency Trading Strategy Number Two:
Spend most of your time on the 15-min chart.
Currency Trading Strategy Number Three:
When you first start out in any particular session, look at the 1 hr
chart to get an overall perspective on trend from one session to the
next, and what it’s likely shaping up to be at the beginning of the
upcoming new session.
Currency Trading Strategy Number Four:
Only look at the 5 min chart if you absolutely have to see what’s
behind the current 15 min bar – especially where the bar is
elongated, and may have just penetrated a pivot point; in other
words, is price reversing course on the 5 min chart, which would
obviously not yet be reflected on the 15 min chart?
Currency Trading Strategy Number Five:
Don’t dwell on the 5 min chart, as it contains a lot of “noise” that will
whipsaw you to death.
Currency Trading Strategy Number Six:
MACD rules on the 15 min chart. Even if MACD is, say, trending up
on the 1 hr chart, if it is trending down on the 15 min chart, that’s
what you take your cue from. That’s not to say a shift in price
direction is not in the works. It just means it’s coming, but not yet.
In the meantime, you don’t want to miss what’s happening “in the
now,” which is what is reflected in the 15 min chart.
Currency Trading Strategy Number Seven:
If MACD is trending down on the 15 min chart, and price is wanting
to go north, price will sooner than later head south as it perhaps
bounces off a pivot point, or gets turned around at a juncture caught
by one of the other three “tools” you should be using (“reading
bars,” MACD divergence, or trendline analysis). Same thing if MACD
is trending up, and price is trying to head south.

Currency Trading Strategy Number Eight:
Only use MACD for divergence, not for buy or sell signals. It is a
lagging indicator, and as such is useless

Currency Trading Strategy Number Nine:
Again, MACD divergence on the 15 min chart is more significant than
what you see on the 1 hr chart in the near-term. For those of you
who don’t understand what divergence means, keep looking at my
own personal forex trading examples on this page on a daily basis for
examples of divergence. Basically, what it means is where you see
MACD waves “waving” in the opposite direction to price action. That’s
why I connect the top of the waves (in a downtrend) and the bottom
of the waves (in an uptrend) to illustrate that the waves are “waving”
higher in an uptrend and lower in a downtrend – in the opposite
direction to where price is going.
Currency Trading Strategy Number 10:
Always “protect” your money by using 20-30 pip stops. Mental stops
are okay, but not if you are dead serious about using a “disciplined”
approach to managing your money. You will lose three out of ten
trades. The three losses should be kept to 20-30 pips. Your wins will
by far surpass your small losses, and that’s what stop-losses are all
about. Don’t be afraid to lose. Even professional batters strike out six
out of 10 times. Lions are only successful 20% of the time in their
chase for the kill. Professional golfers lose 95% of the time.
Professional poker players lose 50% of the time. So, your chances
are better at trading the forex, using my system of course, than in
any other venue. Even businesses have “bad inventory.” And, life in
general is not always “100%” for sure.


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