Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to get the most out of your Crash Course Forex Trading Workshop? by Winston Ng

Introduction - The Science of Learning
There really are only two kinds of trading workshops, one that wants to teach you trading and the other that just wants to skim you of your money. With enough due diligence, most of us would be able to find good forex trading schools out there that actually teach because they believe in helping you through your learning experience.

However, even for the best schools these days, the market for Forex Education has become very competitive, and the way most companies stay ahead is by compacting their education process. It results in lower overheads for the main trainer and these savings are passed on to the client.

Unfortunately, it then becomes like one of those seminars that you attend the whole weekend and come out all dazed. Somewhere in there, you knew that there was lots of content, but yet you feel dazed because you are stuck at where to start.

This is because most workshop attendees have the false belief that the learning begins and ends over the workshop weekend. There is an expectation that they are equipped to go trade on their own after two days of theory lessons.

The reality starts to set in when they encounter hiccups in their first few trades, they suddenly realise that they are so many things they do not know. Yet, it seems too troublesome to re-read the whole manual.

Consequently, most retail traders then give up on the whole process after being demoralized by the sense of overwhelm.

Identify the Areas that will really make a difference to you

Hence, to avoid coming out star-gazed at your next Forex Trading Workshop, you should set up a plan for yourself to revise and study your notes in a structured manner beyond the weekend.

This is the best way for you to systematically reinforce and implement the learning lessons into your life. Furthermore, the split-up sessions would give you time to master each level before you move on to the next level!

Create your own Homework Schedule

You can start planning your "tutorial" schedule during the weekend workshop itself! Firstly, separate the material content into 8 main areas. You can usually just take what is listed on the content and separate it into 8 parts. Most course providers would have created the contents with some basic flow.

Next, be aware to highlight segments that you feel you really need to read up further or mull on it further.

It is essential that this whole process is done during the workshop proper itself, because you will forget the essential parts once the workshop is over! Research has found that we only retain approximately 7% of anything we hear. In trading terms, that would mean a really large sum of money to lose!

Now that you have marked out all the key areas, and categorised the content into 8 major segments, you need to wait for break time to pull out your organizer.

You will want to give yourself at least an hour a week to read through the segments and another hour to work on the homework for that segment. Alternatively, with the advent of the internet and wikipedia, you can even research more on each topic.

The essence is that good traders build on a solid foundation and it is the depth of the journey that matters rather than the speed at which you get there! History is littered with glorious hyper-speed trading success stories who crashed as fast as they rocketed to fame.

Focus on Practice. Its like exercise, we don't feel like doing it. But the most growth will come at the last push-up

You will want to ensure that there is a lot of practice in all the skills that have a direct impact on your trading, even if your instructor did not spend time doing it! Nothing is so simple in trading that you do not need to practice it.

For example, many instructors will skim over Support Resistance lines and instead focus on secret strategies that they are excited to teach you. Nonetheless, you would be amazed how much you would learn by doing years of historical work on support resistance since all indicators would inevitably be affected by support resistance lines.

You can test your own confidence level by doing support resistance lines for other instruments like stock indices, and commodity charts, thus building a robust confidence in your ability to swiftly and effectively pick out patterns!

Troublesome, but small when you think long term

At this point you might begin to ask yourself why would you even want to go for a course if there is so much work to do by yourself? Well, our optimum learning process does not change regardless of where we live or how we live. When we want to learn anything new, we need to space it out with repetitions until we get the entire process in our daily habit system.

Research has found that once you do anything for 3 months, it becomes a habit rather than an experience. Our whole life is essentially made up of the habits that we live every single day. Successful traders like successful people have very empowering and profitable habits on a daily basis, to continually activate and refine their trading prowess.

Winston Ng
Chief Driving Instructor
Forex Driving School


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