Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Time I Should Trade in Forex?

The best forex time to trade is depend on your currency that you want to be traded, and also how long is your time in trading forex.
Because forex is 24 hour non stop trading I am sure you won't have time to trade all day long, you must chooce your trading session.
In forex there are four session.
1. New zealand-australia at 04.00-12.00
2. Singapore at 9.00-15.00
3. Europe 14.00-21.00
4. Usa at 20.00-04.00

if you trade in forex asia currency like Yen Japan or Australian Dollar,its much better if you choose Asia session or Australia session.
And you may choose Europe or USA session for major currency/forex.

And don't forget to see what news is released at that time/session forex trading.

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Fundamental Analysis

FA or Fundamental Analysis use news to make trading decision. Ussualy a FA trader always surf to source of news like, blooberg or other (you can find it in google)
The benefit of Fundamental Analysis are:
1. You can predict the price's changing without watching your computer whole day
2. A TA trader also using this analysis first.
3. Easier to predict from the data which is released.

But,balancing is the best and wise choice. Don't use juz one of them.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Technikal Analysis VS Fundamental Analysis

Many people said that TA is much better than FA, so is the reverse.
But,its completely true.
Each analysis has its own benefit.
TA is an analysis to predict the price change by using chart and math pattern. We use line chart, candlestick chart and bar chart..

the benefit of TA are :
1. We don't need spending much time to make a trading decision,because we get the indicators from the broker's platform
2. We can use TA for short and long term trading.
3. TA is an instant way to predict because its not neccessary to find news about a country economic condition

we will continue about the benefit of FA next meeting..

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Forex Website Recomendation

To support your analysis and learn more about forex, you can visit these website and see the information, all about forex..
Forex Factory
Strategy Builder
Forex Street

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Simple Tips To Start Trading In Forex

I have some simple tips when you have decided trying this job.
1. Don't underestimate when you alredy know every single step in forex trading.
2. Don't ever think that forex is a difficult job to be learnt when you just read the introduction without knowing deeply
3. Try demo trading first at least

one month to make you become familiar with this job.
4. Limit your profit. Its for prevent you to be greedy,because greedy is the biggest factor in analyze failure
5. Use a simple strategy.
6. Use your own decision and your own rirk. But the best way to learn is by making mistake.
7. Good luck!

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to get the most out of your Crash Course Forex Trading Workshop? by Winston Ng

Introduction - The Science of Learning
There really are only two kinds of trading workshops, one that wants to teach you trading and the other that just wants to skim you of your money. With enough due diligence, most of us would be able to find good forex trading schools out there that actually teach because they believe in helping you through your learning experience.

However, even for the best schools these days, the market for Forex Education has become very competitive, and the way most companies stay ahead is by compacting their education process. It results in lower overheads for the main trainer and these savings are passed on to the client.

Unfortunately, it then becomes like one of those seminars that you attend the whole weekend and come out all dazed. Somewhere in there, you knew that there was lots of content, but yet you feel dazed because you are stuck at where to start.

This is because most workshop attendees have the false belief that the learning begins and ends over the workshop weekend. There is an expectation that they are equipped to go trade on their own after two days of theory lessons.

The reality starts to set in when they encounter hiccups in their first few trades, they suddenly realise that they are so many things they do not know. Yet, it seems too troublesome to re-read the whole manual.

Consequently, most retail traders then give up on the whole process after being demoralized by the sense of overwhelm.

Identify the Areas that will really make a difference to you

Hence, to avoid coming out star-gazed at your next Forex Trading Workshop, you should set up a plan for yourself to revise and study your notes in a structured manner beyond the weekend.

This is the best way for you to systematically reinforce and implement the learning lessons into your life. Furthermore, the split-up sessions would give you time to master each level before you move on to the next level!

Create your own Homework Schedule

You can start planning your "tutorial" schedule during the weekend workshop itself! Firstly, separate the material content into 8 main areas. You can usually just take what is listed on the content and separate it into 8 parts. Most course providers would have created the contents with some basic flow.

Next, be aware to highlight segments that you feel you really need to read up further or mull on it further.

It is essential that this whole process is done during the workshop proper itself, because you will forget the essential parts once the workshop is over! Research has found that we only retain approximately 7% of anything we hear. In trading terms, that would mean a really large sum of money to lose!

Now that you have marked out all the key areas, and categorised the content into 8 major segments, you need to wait for break time to pull out your organizer.

You will want to give yourself at least an hour a week to read through the segments and another hour to work on the homework for that segment. Alternatively, with the advent of the internet and wikipedia, you can even research more on each topic.

The essence is that good traders build on a solid foundation and it is the depth of the journey that matters rather than the speed at which you get there! History is littered with glorious hyper-speed trading success stories who crashed as fast as they rocketed to fame.

Focus on Practice. Its like exercise, we don't feel like doing it. But the most growth will come at the last push-up

You will want to ensure that there is a lot of practice in all the skills that have a direct impact on your trading, even if your instructor did not spend time doing it! Nothing is so simple in trading that you do not need to practice it.

For example, many instructors will skim over Support Resistance lines and instead focus on secret strategies that they are excited to teach you. Nonetheless, you would be amazed how much you would learn by doing years of historical work on support resistance since all indicators would inevitably be affected by support resistance lines.

You can test your own confidence level by doing support resistance lines for other instruments like stock indices, and commodity charts, thus building a robust confidence in your ability to swiftly and effectively pick out patterns!

Troublesome, but small when you think long term

At this point you might begin to ask yourself why would you even want to go for a course if there is so much work to do by yourself? Well, our optimum learning process does not change regardless of where we live or how we live. When we want to learn anything new, we need to space it out with repetitions until we get the entire process in our daily habit system.

Research has found that once you do anything for 3 months, it becomes a habit rather than an experience. Our whole life is essentially made up of the habits that we live every single day. Successful traders like successful people have very empowering and profitable habits on a daily basis, to continually activate and refine their trading prowess.

Winston Ng
Chief Driving Instructor
Forex Driving School

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The First Step to Financial Freedom Though Forex Trading is to Learn and Master the Craft by William R. Alheim, Jr., CPA, MA

A single word of caution for all novice traders and investors who desire to put their stamp of authority on the lucrative Forex market and that is, education. A premature entry into the market without a comprehensive understanding of the various intricacies your about to face could and often does lead to a quick retreat from the markets. The facts are clear on this matter and they are over ninety five percent of the traders that enter the currency markets never make money. The reason behind this statement is to create awareness among FX traders, especially the new ones to make it a priority to learn everything you can about the Foreign Exchange Markets before investing substantial funds in the pursuit of the capital gains they offer.
Learning the details of currency trading fundamentals as well as the various techniques and the multiple trading strategies is not as difficult a task as it once was. There are now numerous exceptional online trading courses, online trading seminars and online trading video programs. Each of these educational tools differs from the next in their approach to teaching Forex trading. One is always going to be better than the next in a specific section of the market, but they all offer the same advantage and that is your ability to learn on a flexible schedule designed to meet your needs.

Some offer interactive sessions with a veteran Forex trader who performs the role of mentor. The consultant will guide you through the educational process in a systematic method in an attempt to develop your skills to the highest level before you begin trading. These lessons generally include an introduction to the Foreign Exchange Markets (FX,) detailed terminology, risk management through the hedging of risks, and trading sessions which provides the novice the feel of a real-world online trading platform..

The all-inclusive course materials might include some or all of the following; a supplementary guide, multiple computer CD's and DVD's which contain videos explaining various trading methods and tools such as charts pertaining to currency data. Other trading courses offer special privileges to their clients in the form of daily 'Question & Answer' session through video conferencing, daily trading demos and reviews, daily pivot data for major currency pairs and discussion forums.

Each and every course available to learn Forex trading will improve your knowledge and trading technique even if you're an experienced trader. Which one is best really can't be answered in one definitive statement due to the fact most of the high quality courses are always updating their material as the circumstances demand it. As long as you enroll in one of the many exceptional programs that are available today you are ensured to achieve a huge heads start towards your final goal of becoming a profitable currency trader.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Introduction And The Explanation Of Forex by Tracy Lenyk

Introduction And The Explanation Of Forex
The foreign exchange market - or Forex - is also known as FX. The foreign exchange market is also commonly referred to as, the "FOREX". All three of these have the same meaning. The FX market typically involves one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another. The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators , corporations, governments, and other institutions. The average daily volume in the global forex and related markets is continously growing and was has been reported to be over $4 trillion US.

The financial market and the forex markets are always changing. Transactions must be completed through a forex broker and a bank. Many scams have been emerging in the FOREX business, as foreign companies and people are setting up online to take advantage of people who don't realize that foreign trade must take place through a broker or a company with direct participation involved in foreign exchanges. The retail FX market is a subset of the larger foreign exchange market. When trading in the retail market verify that the broker or financial institution has direct involvement with the foreign exchange and forex traders. The market is open 24 hours a day, which allows you to design your trading hours around your daily commitments. It is very volatile, which is great for those people who are looking for day trading opportunities.

Cash, stocks, and currency are traded through the foreign exchange markets. The FOREX market will be present and exist when one currency is traded for another. Think about a trip you may take to a foreign country. Where are you going to be able to 'trade your money' for the value of the money that is in that other country? This is FOREX trading basis, and it is not available in all banks, and the forex platforum it is not available in all financial centers. FOREX is a specialized trading circumstance.

Tourist and visitors of foreign lands need to exchange currencies when they travel. These participants do not have the power to set prices. They just buy and sell according to the prevailing exchange rate. They make up a significant proportion of the volume being traded in the market.

This is the most perfect market because it has a large number of buyers and sellers all selling the same products. There is a free flow of information and there are little barriers to participate.

In the last five years, with the help of the Internet, FOREX trading and the awareness of FX trading has become all the rage. Banks are the number one source for FOREX trading to take place. Financial institutions have trained and licensed broker who will complete the transactions and requirements you set forth. The common practice is to pay commissions on the transaction

Small business and individuals, who are looking to make big money, can become victims of scams when it comes to learning about the foreign trade markets. FX is seen as a way to make a quick buck or two. People don't question their participation in such an event. But if you are not investing money through a broker in the FOREX market, you could easily end up losing a lot of your money.

A FOREX scam is one that involves trading but will turn out to be a fraud. That is true for any scam. With a FX scam you have no chance of getting your money back once you have invested it. If you were to invest money with a company stating they are involved in FOREX trading you want to read closely. Learn if they are permitted to do business in your country. Many companies are not permitted in the FOREX market, as they have defrauded investors before.

There are many software applications that will aid you in making trades, assist you in learning about the foreign markets and in practicing. So you can prepare yourself for following and making trades.

Want to learn forex? You will need to rely on a program or software forex that is really going to make a difference. A good forex software application will help you with your forex trading strategy. Consult with your financial broker or your bank to learn more about FOREX trading, the FX markets and how you can avoid being the victim while investing in these markets.

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Automated Forex Trading - Is It For A Newbie? by Mary Guthrie

There has been a growing interest in forex trading software programs ever since the introduction of automatic systems became common and accessible. Not long ago this was the zone where the players were large investors, be it banking concerns or other financial organisations, but now even mid and tiny level investors are getting attracted towards this field. This is the place to where the dealing of currency from one country to another happens. This is the marketplace which witnesses trillions of dollars being traded non-stop, making it the single largest financial market places in the world.

What with the advent of the internet and state-of-the-art computer technology, anyone having internet, backed by forex dealing computer software and some basic knowledge of accounting and brokering can do dealing with forex. This market never closes, and to know about what is happening in the market, you have to keep a constant monitoring system in place. Picking up a currency of your choice as well as its asking and selling price in advance of any purchase can be aided by these automated systems. If you want your transaction being attended to instantly, all you need to have is a small sum for investment and a broking agent.

You do not have to be an expert to earn profits from this trade because the automatic forex trading software programs systems take care of all the work for you. When supervised accounts use the automated dealing systems, the program can easily control everything for you. Since you do not get involved in dealing yourself, you save a lot of time using this process. Moreover, the automated trading system helps you manage multiple accounts simultaneously which you cannot expect to handle manually. dealing in of various marketplaces with numerous systems is allowed by these programs.

You need not be present and can choose to trade any time as the forex dealing computer software allows you that flexibility and convenience. Though you are not always connected to your computer, it doesn't actually mean that you are more likely to miss out any profitable opportunity. Not only does this make working with multiple systems a easy, it also gives you the chance of marshalling many of your forex strategies instantly. The activation of each system is planned to be triggered by a number of particular deal elements so getting the maximum profits with minimum risks, as well as extending your investment, is feasible.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing about the forex trading computer software is that it has nothing to do with human feelings or ingredients, which often stand as a barrier while taking methodical and intellectual dealing decisions. Handling and monitoring a number of currencies all at once as well as trading them any time you like are the powers that will be given to you.

as this is also something that you just can't get away from when using the software. Even when one used a highly sophisticated automated system, it still does not guarantee profits, since the forex marketplace is changeable and unpredictable. The forex dealing software can be changed and made more personalised to fit your own needs.

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The Things We Must Do Before Invest In Forex

There are many things that we must considere before playing in forex trading, such as :
1. Don't under estimate when you already know about forex, even much.
2. Don't ever thinking that forex is a difficult job before you try it.
3. Learn aabout forex as much as possible. so that you can avoid big mistake ini trading decision
4. Learn just a simple strategy or technik. because, kompleks one just make you confuse. simple is the best strategy to win ini forex. but it doesn't mean learn nothing. just get the poin in forex investment

i hope it could help you to make a decision

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How To Get Started in the Forex Market by matthew faulkner /

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

You can see that there's practical value in learning more about Forex Market. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far?

So you want to learn about the Forex market, and trading internationally but you are risking your personal wealth if you jump in before knowing all about how trading takes place. Online, you will find many games and simulations while learning the methods involved in forex market trading. The forex markets include countries from around the world, where all countries involved are using different currencies, and when faced against each other are worth more or less than the original valued currencies that are being traded. The forex markets are used to build wealth in, for governments, banks, and brokers, and for many countries.

To get started in learning about forex trading, you will need to locate the forex trading software, the internets most powerful software, education-learning system to use. As you find the games, as they are called, you will enter information about yourself, about what you are interested in learning and then you will download software to your computer. In following the 'game', you will learn how to make and lose money in the forex market. This type of game is going to make you more aware of what happens daily, how the markets open and close, and how different the various countries currencies really are.

You will open an online 'account' using the gaming system. You will then be able to read the news, find and compare markets, and you will be able to make 'fake' trades so you can watch your money build or be eaten away in losses. As you learn the system, using it a few times a week, you are going to be more prepared, more educated and you will be ready to use the forex trades to make money. Of course, you may still need the aid of broker or a company to make your transactions happen but you will better understand the process, what will happen, and what calls you may want to make when you read about the news, the markets, and the currencies in other countries.

The forex market is also referred to as the FX market. If you are interested in joining the millions who are making money in the forex markets, you want to ensure you are dealing with a reputable banker or company involved in forex trading. With the spur of interest in the forex markets, there are many types of companies that are popping out on the Internet appearing to be genuine forex trading companies but in reality, they are not. Forex trading can be completed through a broker, a company that deals in the funds, and from within your own country. For example, the US has many regulations and laws regarding forex trading and what companies are permitted to work with the public dealing with international trading and markets.

There's a lot to understand about Forex Market. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

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